Monday, February 14, 2011

Forgive, sounds good. Forget, I'm not sure I could.

I'm gonna go ahead and be pretty up front and honest here.

I want to tell you about some things I'm good at. Ready?

I'm pretty good at waking up as soon as my alarm clock goes off (these days, it plays Jonas Brothers' "Hello, Beautiful). I excel at putting my laundry in the wash and leaving it there once it's done for at least a few hours - maybe even a full day. I also do this really awesome thing where I let magazines pile up on my floor in the hopes of needing them for a future collage project. Oh, and, um, I can almost always guess the price of an item in Gap before it goes on sale.

Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I'm also really, really good at holding a grudge - if I want to.

This isn't always the case. I've had arguments with people that I still consider good friends. I've let crappy things go, and I'm thankful a lot of them have done the same for me. We all make mistakes, and, as we grow up, we learn to let memories of the bad stuff wash away. But every once in a while, there can be something unpleasant that sticks with you - an instance you can't forget, a heartbreaking moment that will forever sting.

I realized yesterday that there can absolutely be people that will always hold a place of significance in your life. And I'm not talking about a loved one that is always there for you. This person (or maybe even a few people) will constantly bring up a bit of hatred that you've pushed deep inside. No matter how much time passes, you can never move away from the hatred you feel. If the idea of hate is too strong for you, maybe there's just a severe dislike or a wound that hasn't healed. Perhaps it's a person that never returned amorous feelings. Maybe it's someone that called you out when you were wrong.

Either way, it doesn't matter. It sticks because you associate this person with something important in your life. Hurt. Jealousy. Anger. Any of it. All of it.

When you can't get rid of the grudge, you carry around a huge weight inside. For me, it sits in my heart, and until someone fantastic shows up with talents great enough to erase all the ugly, I will forever be good at holding onto the grudges I have selectively created.

"I'm still mad as hell, and I don't have time to go round and round and round."