Monday, August 2, 2010

Today I Met The Boy I'm Gonna Marry.

I watch "The Bachelorette." I wish I didn't, but I do. Over the last couple of seasons, it's sort of become a snowball, forcing me to watch Bachelor after Bachelorette on a quest for television true love. I didn't watch all of DeAnna's season, but I knew of Jason (and mistakenly liked him). I ended up watching his season of "The Bachelor," and, although I was a huge Melissa fan, I grew to really like Jillian. Of course, I then needed to see this Canadian's search for THE ONE. Well, enter Jake. A man of great honor, flying on the wings of love to that perfect woman.

I spent that horrible season rooting for Tenley though I didn't completely discount Vienna. If you follow pop culture at all, you know how well that turned out. Initially, I found something really sweet about Ali, the San Francisco resident and Massachusetts native who, at 25, wisely chose her career over a man. Yet along the way, Ali began to show her true colors, and those vibrant hues involved throwing Vienna under the bus. But with the season required "Women Tell All" special, Ali offered an apology and explained that she didn't know how horribly blunt she had been until she actually watched herself. Clearly, Ali was not taught, as I was, to think before speaking. A little ABC image rehab, and I was a guaranteed viewer for the next round of the show. I waited to watch Ali join a long list of people unsuccessful at attempting to find a life of love and happiness before millions of viewers. Not all of them have been as lucky as Trista. In fact, if you look at his road to marriage with Molly, Jason wasn't so roadblock free either.

I write this entry on the final night of Ali's go at hooking the perfect man into proposing with an ABC supplied diamond, secured from one of the most sought after Hollywood jewelers (of late, I do believe that honor has gone to Neil Lane). This season has been full of drama and - GASP - heartbreak, leaving our girl-next-door wondering whether or not anyone can ever love her back. Exit Justin "Rated R," and Frank, and that creepy guy Casey that sang to her (REPEATEDLY). Enter two guys that TV makes seem like perfect catches.

Let's begin with Roberto.

Pretty hot, right? Well, I'm smart, because I picked Roberto the very first night, even before Ali bestowed upon him the honorable First Impression Rose. Around Roberto, Ali seemed like a nervous high school girl, and it was obvious that she was completely interested in knowing him beyond the five minutes of chatting we see on TV. Fast-forward to the appearance in The Lion King in NYC and their date in Portugal, and now Roberto is one of two left standing. The former baseball player and very, very good-looking insurance salesman (blah), would easily be my pick for Ali's heart. Do not mistake me. He would not be MY pick.

Moving on to Chris. Oh, Chris...

I'd be lying if I said I picked him from the start. I did like him from the beginning, but it was my mom that immediately decided Chris was a contender. Over the course of group dates and one on one dates, I picked Chris for myself! Who could deny this guy? Completely a family man, and devoted to his mother that recently passed. Though Ali has claimed that her relationship with Chris was slow to develop, maybe he's a guy that's a little bit more normal and doesn't fall in love with a girl right away, just because the situation demands it. I have determined that Chris is perfect. But he's not perfect for Ali.

So, how does it end? A lot has been written about the fact that it's likely Ali did not make anyone feel obligated to propose to her at the end on some beautiful island. And if you look back over her heart to hearts with host Chris Harrison, it seems to make perfect sense that maybe after all the heartbreak, Ali just isn't ready to believe someone will commit fully to her. However, that being said, I think Roberto and Ali would make a good pair. Chris is ready to settle down right now, and Ali, well, she's still looking to have some fun. Did anyone else notice how tipsy she got in Iceland? The nervous laughter turned into drunken laughter...

Only about 30 minutes until it airs. To be continued...

"He smiled at me and the music started playing, here comes the bride when he walked through the door."
(Pardon the Disney video. I wasn't able to find footage of Darlene Love singing one of my all-time favorite songs.)

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