Thursday, November 25, 2010

I don't know how you keep on giving.

Today is an American day of giving thanks (it is also celebrated in Canada... though the holiday is slightly different). Together, we celebrate being thankful for a "plentiful harvest," as Wikipedia tells me. Traditionally, people also make a habit of listing those things in their lives for which they are grateful.

When I woke up today... actually last night... I started thinking about writing an entirely different blog. The subject matter was one that focused on a topic of loneliness and envy. Due to the holiday, I will spare you, and bring you an entry sponsored by happiness and positive thoughts.

I give you my list of things and people that make me happy every day. In case I don't say it enough, this little note will serve as my eternal Thank You.

My Friends
To the special few of you that make every day funnier and sunnier. A few times now, I have blogged about the importance of having good friends in your life. I consider myself extremely lucky to know that I have more than just a couple close friends. While I communicate with some on a daily basis and others not quite as frequently, they have all been there for me to share lots of laughs and (unfortunately) some tears as well. Ari, Nicole, Jayme, Jill, Laurie, Eric, & Dory. I count you among the people in my world that know just what to say when I need to laugh - whether you know it or not (Jill) - and can be there to laugh at me when I say something completely ridiculous (Dory). For Ari and Nicole who can understand the words I mean when I'm fairly certain I haven't even spoken proper English. To Laurie who is a source of inspirational words and thoughts when I don't know where else to look. And for amazing friends that can be found in the most unexpected places (Jayme & Eric).

My Family
Mom and Dad who have been nice enough to let me camp out in the house all this time and have supported my smart decisions and even some of my not so smart ones. :-) To Jared and Michelle out west - far in miles but not in my heart.

I could go on and list all of the music I couldn't live without and the extended family I have gained in also gaining a sister-in-law. I'm thankful that the teddy bear a friend gave me when I turned 12 is still in one piece and has traveled with me through every move. I'm thankful that I don't fall over the mess in my room when I have to get up in the middle of the night.

There's also the really little things like... umm... candy corn, rainbow cookies, apple pie, and Harry Potter. Also Graceland, because I know I'll get there one day. Disney memories, musical theater, and "Gilmore Girls."

And I couldn't forget you, the very special people (no matter who few you may be) that read my silly little stories and help me with feedback, leading me to believe that maybe just one day - hopefully before I'm 30 - I will find my book on the shelves. Then I'll be even more thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving.

"I want to thank you for so many gifts you gave with all the tenderness."