Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dress me. I'm your mannequin.

I interrupt this usually very serious blog to talk about something that means absolutely nothing at all. I wish to take a brief departure from my cynical and critical ways to bring you a moment of weakness.

I am about to preach the genius of Cher Horowitz.

Don't know her? Take a look:

I hope the image jogged your memory. Though Clueless came out in 1995, some of Cher's most memorable lines still ring true. The modern-day Emma may not have earned her As for book smarts, she was enough streetwise for all the teenage girls in Beverly Hills.

Today, I found myself thinking about her commentary on guys and style: "So, I don't want to be a traitor to my generation and all, but I don't get how guys dress today. I mean, come on; it looks like they just fell out of bed and put on their baggy pants and take their greasy hair - ew - and cover it up with a backwards cap, and, like, we're expected to swoon? I don't think so."

Thankfully, the baggy jeans (like the JNCOs pictured above) have been replaced. Ugh, I used to say you could fit a family of five in one pant leg. They were awful.

However, the same idea still applies. It seems that instead of gigantic jeans and large t-shirts, there is a gravitational pull to unwashed skinny jeans and ratty sweatpants. Although I don't need a guy that grooms like Ryan Seacrest, it never hurt for a to have a little bit of style.

In working with the public, I have seen every look, style, and trend on a variety of people. Some of my coworkers could probably spot my type a mile away. I call him The Prepster.

He's a little badass but perfectly sweet. He could be from London in the 60s or the letterman in the 50s. He's got fitted jeans, but he's no damn hipster. Think... Ralph Lauren meets the (early) Beatles. Maybe a touch of Rockabilly with a 50s 'do - Johnny Depp in Cry-Baby. He ain't no square. It takes some work, but he won't be in front of the mirror longer than me. And I really hope he doesn't want to share a flat iron.

Though I talk about a preference, I'm an equal opportunity ogler. Really. I have a staring problem. But, more importantly, it's not about perfection or even a specific style. It is about taking the time and effort to convey a confident appearance, a put-together image. You don't need to have a closet full of designer clothes or shoes that cost more than your monthly car payment. Actually, you shouldn't. Sometimes, it just takes something clean and a great smile.

Because when it comes down to it, you could have the best look in the world and walk the runways in Paris and Milan. But if what's in your heart is ugly, the clothes can't make the man.

"Don't you want to see these clothes on me? Fashion - put it all on me."

**Please do not take this too seriously. I also welcome the male response.**

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