Friday, May 6, 2011

The time has come for my dreams to be heard.

In this day and age, I often question why some really great things happen to people that may not deserve it as much as others.

I've watched so many well connected and minimally talented people climb the ladders of success, purely by leapfrogging over the backs of others more qualified. We live in a world where nepotism is commonplace. Sons and daughters of those deemed special get the treatment that should be reserved for their parents. Nephews, friends, neighbors, they all find a way to reap the benefits others have worked to deserve. It's also general practice to reward someone that sells tickets at the box office or garners TV ratings by giving him or her a recording contract. Does anyone remember Joey Lawrence's album (yes, I still have it). Or Lindsay Lohan's awesome hit "Rumors"?

It's pretty upsetting to know that it's just kind of how things go. Many that work so damn hard and want the brass ring more than those special few don't get a chance to see it.

But, once in a while, the universe grants a special person her very own wish.

I'm sure I'm not alone in questioning why crappy things happen to really good people. While I tend to be a person that says "everything happens for a reason," it's usually very hard for me to understand why someone that is generally a great person gets dealt a bad hand. When I think of this particular person, I usually have the same thing to say - she is kindhearted and genuine. Sadly, that can sometimes be a rarity in our world. But she is pure good - working harder for the benefit of others than she has ever done for herself.

Maybe it was the universe's plan for her to move through a lot of junk in order for her to grow stronger and to prove her worth to herself instead of to others. She has taken one hit after another, learning in the process that it is all about how she can become a better person in order to make the world a better place for people she doesn't know and may never know.

For her, it's not about self-satisfaction. Life is about helping someone to have what he doesn't. Her dreams are to make other's dreams a reality, helping people that can't help themselves. She smiles when someone at the end of her hand can smile, and she cheers when her success leads to someone else's.

Her hard work is undeniable, and her dedication is unwavering. She has fought and prayed through every day of her life just hoping for the chance to reach the start of her goal.

I make no secret of my lack of belief in something greater than ourselves. In this case, what I believe in is a single person's desire to be the greatest person she can be without once stepping into the spotlight on her own. It isn't easy to get what we wish for, and a lot of us don't often get the opportunity to have most of our wishes granted. But, for her, it was just one - to have the chance to do better for everyone else.

And I'm so happy she got it.

"There is someone here inside someone I'd thought had died so long ago."

1 comment:

  1. I'm lucky to have you. You're words have really helped me realized how lucky I am. You are such a bright light in my life. I love you more than u know.
