Sunday, October 3, 2010

I know I'm diving into my own destruction.

What is it about the bad boy?

What makes the reckless, dangerous ones so darn appealing? "Cry-Baby" Wade Walker. James Dean. Dylan McKay. Colin Farrell. Try to deny it. You can't.

For a long time, I tried to tell myself I was not that girl. I wasn't looking for the difficult one, the guy that could hurt me so easily it was if I were asking for it. I refused to be the type that walked right into heartbreak, inheriting a difficult past and all the baggage that comes with it. It's unfortunate, because when I think about the few guys I have dated or really been interested in, I am totally that girl!

I think there's something in women that makes them want to fix things. By things I mean people more so than leaky faucets or flat tires. Is it possible that it's in our nature to nurture them? If we find them when they're broken, and we can rehab them, then they're ours, right? Like a rescued pet...

At work, we have this customer that I truly hate. I despise him with every bone in my body. Some time ago he created a problem for me and basically told his server that I could go to hell. And to top it off, he was wearing a Michael Vick jersey right after the Eagles acquired him - when many people were still on the "I Hate Michael Vick" campaign trail." That pretty much screamed ASSHOLE right from the start. This guy is rude, obnoxious, and entirely good looking. How come those things tend to come in a package, wrapped up perfectly for our consumption? What makes things worse is that he knows how much he irritates me. He'll stare at me until I'm so damn uncomfortable that I'm forced to look at him. It's all kind of... intriguing?

I just can't help it. No matter how much I want to like the nice guy, the nice guy needs a little edge. An edge that blurs the lines of boredom. But yet, just as much as we're engineered to clean up the mess, they're predisposed to break our hearts.

Sometimes it's the guy that has the horrible stories from his childhood, other times it's the one that you've seen with a parade of different girls. You know it's bad news, and you don't want to look... but you have to. It's like that wreck on the side of the road - avert your eyes, or you might get pulled into something you should have stayed away from in the first place. In terms of the fictional world, really, Puck is a little hotter than Finn, and Ryan was always miles ahead of Seth.

Trust me. You can't fix him, or tame him, or whatever else you think you are capable above all others. Bad is bad, and it's bad for you.

However... Let's think like Penny Lane for a minute... "You never take it seriously, you never get hurt..."

Is that possible?

"So why do we chose the boys that are naughty? I don't fit in, so why do you want me?"


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